Thinking about the links between animation and dance again......having looked recently at Martha Graham' Appalachian Spring....has me pondering on McLaren's various use of movement timing space and music.
Cannon, above is like an exercise in choreography!!! again I maintain he really had all the right skills.....and how I would love to have discussed dance with him...
the last section...all the choreographed moves now with a different perfectly charming.. Surprise, humour but all with a great sense of space. McLaren also completely understands how to use the music.
To gain its best effect. He was a musician...he played piano at home most nights along with violin played by his long term partner Guy. Antone who plays music will also have an inner sense of timing.
He was one of the few animators of his time to really examine the question of how to use music. Would you follow the structure of the music exactly? that the animation should repeat itself with the repeated phrases of music...This is a question I as a choreographer automatically consider when I begin with the music.
Like McLaren I do not always...sometimes I have a strong sense of a sequence I want to create and look for the music afterwards.
'The experiments of Norman Mclaren point to the problems (of using music) should the animation repeat in the way music does for the sake of form?' ( Film Music; from violin to video Limbacher Scarecrow press Methuen, N.J. 1974)
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